• Mastering Mineral Collecting: A Comprehensive Basic Guide for Enthusiasts

    Mastering Mineral Collecting: A Comprehensive B...

    Mark Fowler

    Starting your mineral collection is a delightful endeavor that doesn't require expertise; it's a passion that anyone can embrace. The thrill lies not only in amassing your collection but also...

    Mastering Mineral Collecting: A Comprehensive B...

    Mark Fowler

    Starting your mineral collection is a delightful endeavor that doesn't require expertise; it's a passion that anyone can embrace. The thrill lies not only in amassing your collection but also...

  • rocks, minerals and crystals in a glass cabinet for home decor/ decoration.

    Elevate Your Space: The Best Guide to Decoratin...

    Mark Fowler

    In the world of interior design, incorporating natural elements can breathe new life into a room and create a serene ambiance. One captivating trend gaining traction is decorating with rocks,...

    Elevate Your Space: The Best Guide to Decoratin...

    Mark Fowler

    In the world of interior design, incorporating natural elements can breathe new life into a room and create a serene ambiance. One captivating trend gaining traction is decorating with rocks,...

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Welcome to MF Minerals & Rocks

As a qualified geologist and Fellow of The Geological Society, I have collected natural mineral and gemstone specimens for 60 years.

I am distributing my limited collection of rock & mineral specimens via MF Minerals & Rocks, with the sure knowledge that they will be appreciated and enjoyed by you, the collector.

Each specimen includes the MF 'Mineral Identification Docket'.

These dockets specify:

  • Primary minerals within the piece
  • Weight
  • Size
  • Provenance of specimen

To the best of my professional knowledge the descriptions given are accurate and authentic. I strongly advise retaining any information given with your specimen. Every piece is unique.

Wishing you a radiant experience on MF Minerals & Rocks.

Mark Fowler FGS